Friday, November 2, 2012

What is High School?

High school. The time we all try to grow up, then wish we had our innocence back. It's staying up late to finish endless amounts of homework. Coffee fa dayz. Having endless amounts of heart to hearts with your best friends. Orange Leaf dates.It's first loves. Heartbreaks. First kisses. Learning to drive. Stepping out of your comfort zone. It's getting hurt so many times that you start to wonder if you will ever find your Prince Charming. It's going for a drive with your three best friends jamming to Taylor Swift with the top down. Fights and makeups.Wannabe sluts and actual sluts. Football games.  Boys who break your heart and girls who play them. Pointless drama. Prom. Finding out who you are and who you want to become. Giving into peer pressure. Getting drunk but having your best friend hold your hair back. Sneaking out.Getting backstabbed and feeling betrayed. It's forcing a smile on your face until people actually believe your happy. It's wishing bad things onto people out of anger. It's jealousy and envy. Gossiping. Feeling so lost but then realizing you're never alone. It's hope for a happy and successful future. It's learning and discovering new things about others and yourself. It's about hurting but still trying. Getting up after you have been knocked down multiple times. The place where you are expected to be an adult but treated like a child. Finding a way to get the answers to the test. Pop quizzes. New people. New challenges. New fears. Social media. It's about trying to learn to live in the moment. But most of all it's trying to remain true to yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you.
High school in one word is: OVERRATED

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Leather! Leather! Leather!

Leather has always been a fall trend, but this year it is getting a huge makeover.  Leather dresses, leather skirts, leather shirts, leather leggings, and leather bags. Leather is being freed from the restriction of the bike and ready to show its colors.
There is something womanly about the newest fall trend, leather dresses. But this fall rocker chick is becoming rocker chic.
Leather dresses with tailoring have a way of flattering any body shape. Leather is being treated more like a fabric than ever before and appears to be feminine and wearable by all. The balance between reserve and mystery makes them irresistibly bewitching.
The latest InStyle shows celebrities wearing all sorts of leather apparel. Some might not know when they could wear a leather dress but the answer is anywhere really. You can dress a leather dress up for a night on the town with some stilettos or you could dress it down with your favorite chuck Taylor's. If you still aren't sure of when to wear it, how you play up your make-up can determine that factor.
This weekend I wore my leather out this weekend with black pumps. It is amazing how confident I felt. I thought people would stare at me with weird looks when in reality I was really turning heads.
The year is almost over, and who knows maybe even the world. Start taking risks. Wear something you never thought you could pull off, because chances are you can!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's the magic word?

When we are younger our parents were always asking us to use the "magic words"when it came to being polite. "Remember to say please and thank you."  It became something we got sick of hearing, but it became good habits.  So when did we lose those habits?
This morning as I was struggling to open a door with my books in my hands and coffee; I found it quite strange how the freshman boy on the inside of the door just watched me as I struggled to pry the door open without everything falling out of my hands. He didn't even bother to try and help me! I was in awe! What has happened to our generation of gentleman?
Over the weekend as I was looking at all the pictures on Facebook and Instagram of everyone's crazy weekends I couldn't help but notice all the pictures of girls on top of guys.
Starting to think about college I keep thinking about how once something is posted online it NEVER goes away. A girl in my grade had some pretty sketchy pictures and once she was sober enough she deleted them but what she didn't realize is that people had already taken screen shots and sent them to friends. The one picture sent to one person has now become an endless chain of people seen this picture she had deleted.
 It's a shame that girls honestly think that guys are looking for that kind of girl.  Sure you get their attention for that short amount of time, but when it comes to a long term relationship I strongly doubt that is the kind of girl/ woman any guy is looking for.
 When did the classic little black dress become the classic skimpy black dress?
I wish girls my age realized guys have become jerks because we have lowered our standards as not only teenage girls, but as women too. We are the ones doing all the work. We need to start making them work. Taking us out to a nice dinner and a movie.
It's even more frustrating when there are those keys girls, the girls who are flawless, the ones who every guy drools over. The girls who know they are gorgeous and try and deny it.
When she finally gives your one guy friend, the one who opens doors without you even asking, the chance and he falls head over heels for her and she just drags him along for the ride.
I'm not saying guys are not guilty of this, because they are guilty!
I believe that as a generation we all need to clean up our acts. Guys need to start opening the door. Girls need to stop lowering their standards to get a guys attention for one night.
If any guys are reading this, today go out of your way to open one door, just one, for a girl maybe not even for a girl just someone! And girls, seriously I'm not saying I don't like to feel sexy, but their is a very thin line between sexy and skanky; make sure you know the difference.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…we must do that which we think we cannot.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

When we are younger our biggest fear is that the monsters living under our beds are going to  come out from underneath and eat us.  As we grow older we forget about the monsters under our beds and realize that the true monsters, our fears, lie inside of us. 
We all have fears, whether it is something as small as the fear of not acing an exam to something as big as not knowing whether we will get into your college of choice.  Whatever our fears are we start to realize our parents are no longer there to comfort us when we are feeling lost or scared. Facing our fears is something we simply have to face by ourselves now. 

Last week I had to face a fear one on one; on my own.  speaking up against adults who have a higher authority than me.  If I weren’t already stressed out about school and college applications, failing a class is something that can add even more stress.  On Wednesday of last week I had to have a conference with the board of the math department at my school to talk about, not just my grade, but the grades of my fellow classmates, as well. The majority of my peers are failing and it was up to me to stand up for all of us. I found out this year that finding my voice was even harder than finding myself in high school. 

As I walked out of the meeting a feeling of achievement overwhelmed me. I had survived! 

Later that night I realized that sometime our biggest fears really aren't as big as we make them seem. 

As Elanor's husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, said in his first inaugural address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blonde to Brunette

          For 18 years I was always the blonde.  So when senior year finally rolled around I decided it was time to take a chance and make a small change to my appearance.  I decided it was time to see if blondes really do have more fun.
          Sitting in the salon chair I was a little skeptical, but my nerves eased as I reminded myself that I could always go back to blonde. As I sat there letting the dye seep in I couldn’t help but think, “when did I stop taking risks?”
         When I was little I was always taking chances, my parents were constantly telling me, “don’t jump off the jungle-gym” or “don’t touch that!”  Why did I stop taking those risks?
         The answer was simple; I stopped taking risks because just like everyone else, I became more concerned about what others thought of me than what I actually thought of myself.  I wasn’t sure how people were going to respond to my hair, but I have only gotten compliments; some light-haired girls even said they might dye their hair darker too.  Who knows, there could be those girls who hate it and are talking behind my back. But then again, who cares? 
        My mom has always told me, “There is always going to be someone smarter than you, skinnier than you, richer than you, etcetera. Not everyone in your lifetime is going to like you”. I believe that concept is hard for any of us to accept because we just want to be liked and accepted.  But how are any of us going to be liked or accepted if we can’t like or accept who we are as a person?
         I have been called a dumb blonde, and of course I do have my blonde moments, but I still recall when my sister, who is a brunette, asked my dad if all banks were the same. The point being we all have “blonde” moments.  Hair color shouldn’t define who we are.  It’s hair color! Our hair color isn’t what determines our GPA or IQ level, our knowledge determines that. Our hair color doesn’t determine if we are fun or not, our personality determines that. And hair color does NOT determine if we are fake or real, our character determines that.
       So do blondes really have more fun? In my opinion, no, they don’t. I have been having just as much fun a brunette as I did all my years as a blonde.  Hair color is hair color. It doesn’t define who I am nor does it change who I am.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall lips never lie

With a blog called Red Lips Never Lie, it only makes sense that to tell you about this fall's chic lip colors for every mood.

This season be sure you try the five key shades: burgundy, hot pink, coral, red, and nude. If you think you can't  pull of any of these colors you're wrong. You can pull off all of them. You just need to make sure you pick the right shade and apply it the right way.

If you are looking for a bold look try burgundy. It is best applied by pencil or straight from the bottle. Avoid a dark circle around your lips when the color fades without lip liner underneath. A purple-base looks best on fair skin, berry with slight brown undertones pops against medium complexions, and a rich, shimmery wine stands out on dark tones.

If your looking for a more fun and flirty look try hot pink! Most consider hot pink a summer color, but this fall bright colors are all the rage. Apply directly from the tube, working from the outer corners in toward the center of the lips. The deeper your skin tone, the darker pink you can wear because lighter shades can look chalky.

"Coral adds glow to your skin and has a retro charm to it," says Myface Cosmetics Artistic Director Kabuki. Work the color into your lips with a small brush, and perfect the edges with a flat eyeliner brush. Fair skin should stick with a rosy coral, medium complexions should try a vibrant melon, and darker skin should go with gold-flecked version.

My favorite red lips NEVER go out of style!  
"Red lipstick is to beauty what the LBD is to fashion. The difference is that when you walk into a room wearing a red lip, people notice you." -François Nars.  
Red lips in my opinion says I got it all and have confidence. I am invincible. Berry red flatters fair skin, true red looks best on medium tones, and deep orangey rouge pops on darker complexions.

If you're looking for a way to go with a natural look go with a nude color. A shade one level darker than your natural lips will  create a subtle contrast. That's classic, yet modern. Nude will cake up if applied wrong so be sure to swipe on color from the tube, spreading it out with a lip brush. Rosy hues bring warmth to fair skin, peachy beiges plays up medium tones, and copper sparkles on darker skin.

So next time you're out with your friend be sure to only speak the truth, because lips of fall should never tell a lie. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

WANTED: Noah Calhoun...

This weekend as I sat watching The Notebook, I couldn't help but wonder, "do guys like Noah from the Notebook still exist?" The kind of guy who is so proud of his country and would go overseas and write his lover every chance he got. A guy to dance with his girl in the middle of the road with no music.
I have never been one to care for the fairy tales with the princess and Prince Charming. I was more into just the real life love stories.
One of my favorite love stories my mom ever told me was how my grandpa got my grandma's number. She worked at a drive through, the kind where people went to the car on roller blades. My grandpa asked her for her number and her response was "it's in the phonebook." Not only did guys have to work up enough courage to ask a girl out back then, but they also had to work to get something as simple as a phone number. I'm not trying to make it seem that guys don't have a heart, but what I never have figured out is when and how guys lost those traits. In today's world we can creep on a person and get information about them through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Honestly it's quite creepy. And it seems each generation is getting worse and worse when it comes to communicating with one another face to face. I even find myself struggling to keep a conversation going with a guy in person. I think we all become a little more hesitant when we are talking face-to-face  with one another.  We don't have time to think of how to respond, like we would in a text. We get nervous when talking to people one-on-one and find ourselves stuttering for the right words, but when we text we have time to back space the unneccessary words.
I have so much respect for the men back then when my grandparents were young. They actually had to know how to keep a conversation going with a girl face to face along with keeping her on her toes. Guys now just shoot a girl a text if they want to talk to her, but they want the girl to text them first. It's like guys and girls switched roles. I find myself doing more work than the guy every time I'm in a relationship. I'm not saying the guys I have gone out with were jerks, I'm just saying I can honestly say I have never been on a date where a boy picks me up, takes me out, and then walks me to the door.
I blame society and the media for why guys don't try as hard today. And I'm not trying to say all guys don't work hard, but I still have yet to find one. If there are any guys reading this blog right now thinking I'm crazy and way out of line, maybe I am. But I am telling you that I'm not wrong when I say any girl would love you to dance with her (there doesn't have to be any music), bring her flowers just because, challenge her views, and fight with her just to let her know he cares.
I also believe it's not just guys who have lost some traits from the olden days. I strongly believe girls have lost a lot of respect for themselves over the generations. My grandma knew how to play hard to get; not enough girls today know how to do that. We want to feel so wanted that we are willing to do almost anything to get a guys attention. So I'm with the guys when they want more of a challenge, we aren't giving that to them. Instead of letting guys undress us with their eyes, we wear skimpy outfits that does the job for them. We believe their cute texts, instead of paying attention to their actions and words they tell us in person.
So guys, treat a woman just like that: a woman. And girls, make them want to treat you that way.

Friday, September 21, 2012

To Bailey,

"There's a big world put there. Bigger than prom, bigger than high school, and it won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest nerd. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it." -unknown
 As I sat at my computer at one a.m. this morning working on the school blog I have been trying to set up for my school this year  I couldn't help but sit and reflect.  I tried to remember the last time I was truly happy with myself like I was right then.  I sat smiling to myself at the realization that I am meant to be a writer; maybe I will never be a published writer or get my name printed in a magazine. 

Who knows, maybe I will be a stay at home mom and just write my own personal blog all my life,but realized I need to stop thinking like that. I need to start believing my name WILL get printed and that one day my dream of writing for a fashion magazine will come true.   And maybe one day when the people I was never good enough for in high school will realize I was more than good enough.  If I were to ever be famous I want to be quoted that I was never the girl who got the quarterback, I never got the lead in a school play, and I was never editor-in-chief on the newspaper staff. I may never have been good enough for those people, but I was was always good enough for me. 

I like to think I have always been confident, determined, and a dreamer. Sure there are many times when I doubt myself. Usually I doubt my abilities.Throughout the week I couldn't help but think what if tomorrow was my last day.  People will remember I was  a high school girl who started a blog in hopes that colleges would just see she has a passion for journalism. I realized I am so lucky to have found my passion at an early age, but I also know that as life goes on I will find new passions. I firmly believe that we all need to start finding what makes us happy and do a little bit of it everyday because who knows when our last days will be. 

Early this week one of my fellow classmates and friends, Bailey, lost his mom. Throughout the week I couldn't help but think, "what if tomorrow was my last day?"  Would I be happy with how I left the world? Would I be satisfied with my relationships with my family and friends?  

It's not fair that our loved ones go out of our lives at such an early age. But my friend is so strong and just like me I know he has found his passion early in life, which is acting. And let me tell you he is SO talented and there is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't see his name in lights one day. He is truly one of the nicest guys I have ever encountered in my life and I'm not sure if he knows it, but he honestly has probably had one of the greatest impacts in my life up until this point in my life. He  always sees the bright side of everything and sees the good in everyone and I know for a fact that his mom is going to be watching over him everyday with the biggest smile on her face. I never met Bailey's mom personally, but if I could have I would have made sure to thank her for giving the Cathedral High School Class of 2013 one of its greatest shinning stars.

My challenge to readers today is to try and find that one thing that makes you happy, don't be afraid to show the world your true self, and most importantly make sure you tell all your friends and family how much you love them today and everyday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Acne No More: 7 tips to clearer skin

Wouldn't it be nice if we could be like guys and just roll out of bed and be ready for the day? But instead, we have to cover up our blemishes with layers of make-up in order to feel good about ourselves along with feeling accepted in society. It's a shame that girls and women of all ages feel so ashamed of their complexion that they need to cover up their true beauty. If you're like me and are always wondering how the celebrities get their perfect flawless skin, the answer is simple: expensive products or  photoshop. Unless good skin runs in a persons she is going to end up having a blemish or two. Or if you're like me, a ton!!!

I am one of those girls who always loved to play with my mom's make-up and, as much as I love make-up, it can end up looking caked on. I have found that by wearing a mineral based make-up your skin won't look cakey. Your pores won't get clogged either! So, it's no big deal if you forget to take your make-up off before a quick nap.

But how can a person clear up their skin and make it look as if it were photoshopped? I can't make your acne go away, but I can give you 7 simple tips that won't cost you a dime!

If you're anything like me, you love your beauty sleep, but it's not always easy to get much sleep with a busy to do list. But getting plenty of sleep can help repair and recover your skin from  the day that that came before. Shoot for at least 8 hours if possible. 

Cleaning your pillow case every two weeks helps keep bacteria and oil that rub off from your skin and hair from staying too long on the pillow.  Cleaning your phone case will also help with clearing up your skin. Your phone has bacteria on the screen that can carry staph bacteria.

Drink lots and lots of H2O. Drinking lots of water will not only help clear your skin up but it has also often been reported to help with a healthy glow as well. It obviously won't happen over night but just a week of drinking a healthy amount of water can have a good effect.

I know when it comes to my break outs they are mostly related to stress. I am constantly stressing out about every little thing. But I have started to realize once I get overwhelmed, I need to walk away and do a small activity to get my mind off it, such as painting my nails or blogging!

Last but not least...stop picking and popping those mountains. I know it's so hard not to and I'm so guilty of doing it but you will save yourself from scarring if you stop now.

So a quick over view:
1. Get plenty of sleep, shoot for at least 8 hours
2. Clean your pillow case every two weeks if possible
3. Clean your phone!
4. Hydrate!!!
5. Try not to stress
6. Use natural make up
7. Stop picking and popping

Monday, September 17, 2012

Summer to Fall: Crop Tops

Ahhhh fall! Pumpkin spice lattes, the beatiful leafs, and of course, my favorite: the crisp,cool air with the smell of bonfires!  But with the weather starting to get cooler it can make one miss the summer sun and skin revealing clothes.  Even though a girl's short shorts are put up until spring break, teens girls might be glad to hear crop tops, one of the summer's hottest trends, are transfering over from the summer heat to the fall chill.  We all loved crop tops this summer; they were flirty and fun. But crop tops are also something you can dress up with jeans and heels for a night on the town or even dress down with some leggings and flats this fall!

Check out a set I made on Polyvore

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friendship Friday

"The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't, but in the end they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into, and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself. " - Sex and the City
After my week this week, I have no idea where I would be without my best friends.
Besides family, our friends are the ones who teach us some of the most valuable lessons in life. They challenge our views, the help us realize our full potential, but most of all they help us to believe in our selves. Where would any of us be without out best friends?

After a long, stressful week I own a big thank you to all my friends. But most importantly the three girls who always manage to cheer me up, deal with my bitchy moods, comfort me when I get so overwhelmed I want to cry. With all of that they still manage to want to be friends with me. Together we make up the real women of Sex and the City. Each of our personalities make our friendship exciting. There is never a time when we aren't laughing or having fun. Only the thing is we aren't just best friends, we have grown to become sisters. High school is tough as I have said multiple times. I've lost friends and I've gained friends.

Coming in freshman year I had my one best friend, Jorden, who has legit been with me since day one. Jorden is still the one who knows me better than anyone else in the world, but of course we have grown apart. At first it was hard going from  hanging out with her every day to hanging out with her once every month. It was hard for me to accept at first that we both were starting to make new friends but i finally realized it didn't matter. At the end of any day I know I can go to her for anything.

As high school went on and just as life goes on, people come into our lives and shape us into the people we are today. I am so blessed and lucky to have the friends I do. Each and everyone of them challenge me to be my best and they have helped me discover something new about myself each day.

My freshman year I also met my best friend Kim. I can't even say Kim is my best friend because she has honestly become my little sister. We fight like sisters, we are constantly at each others house, we are inseparable. Next year going to college is going to be so hard not being able to see her everyday. Kim honestly is the one who knows me better than I know myself.I don't know of Kim knows it or not, but she is one of the best things that has ever come into my life. There were days when I didn't know how much more I could take but she has always reminded me I have a purpose in life.

It wasn't until my junior year that my best friend Dani and I became close. We had mutual friends but it wasn't until journalism class that we realized we were each others better half. I don't really consider Dani my best friend I consider her more like my mom, big sister, and friend all mixed into one. Dani and I will literally fight like sisters, we argue and then five minutes later it's as if nothing happened. Dani is the one who is constantly acting like a mom for me. If it weren't for her I honestly think I would have lost my mind by now.

Now junior year, I also became close with my friend Ellery. I knew Ellery since freshman year but since we are in different level classes, I never really got to know her. It wasn't until Kim and Dani really introduced me to her that I realized the missing piece of my puzzle was complete. Ellery has a way of making anyone laugh at anything. She has such a such a tender heart and are so generous. Ellery was the one who finally made me realize it is okay to be myself.

So here's to my girls, I don't know where I would be without you!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Prove You Wrong

Some of the world's greatest minds failed out of or even dropped out of school. Albert Einstein one of the world's greatest scientist didn't speak until he was four and he didn't read until age seven. These things caused his teachers and parents to think he was mentally handicapped, slow and anti-social. It might have taken him a bit longer, but most would agree that he did pretty well in the end; he won a Nobel Prize and changing the face of modern physics.
 So why are a person's SAT/ACT scores suppose to determine how successful he or she will do in college and in life? Like Einstein, it look me longer to read and write on my grade level as a child. 

At an early age I was constantly being tested. Tested for ADHD, reading comprehension, you name it and I was probably tested for it. The tests seemed to always tell my parents and I one thing: I would  never get far in life without the help of others. So when it comes to standardize testing I have NEVER done well. Taking the  SAT and ACT I knew it wouldn't go well. 

My mom has always reminded me that our grades don't always reflect our efforts. So why do grades have to determine how great of a student we are? They shouldn't. Some kids are just naturally good at school. There is nothing that is more discouraging than seeing my test scores not match up with all my hard work, but that's the way it has always gone. Study for countless hours, take the test, and fail. But at an early age I decided I wasn't going to let my learning disabilities define who I am or who I would become. I decided to turn my weaknesses into my strengths and they eventually did. I use to dread writing essays or papers. My mom would have to sit down with me and help me put my thoughts down on paper, now I can't help but do the opposite. I still have struggles and need friends and teachers to edit my work. Like my best friend Dani--she makes sure all my posts make sense and are grammatically correct.

 Starting the college application process I find myself being discouraged. My dream school, Northwestern, takes students who are the top of their class with amazing ACT/SAT scores. So how is someone like me, who isn't the top of her class and doesn't have amazing ACT/SAT scores suppose to get into the college of her dream? The answer and reality of that is, she most likely won't. But that's not going to stop me from applying. Just like Einstein I plan on proving all the people who said I wouldn't succeed on my own. Wrong.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Not enough time!

As I was sitting in my room last night all I could think about was how there are honestly not enough hours in a day for me to get everything I need to do completed.
A typical day for me is as follows: 6 a.m. wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for school, be out the door by 7 , be to school by 7:30, get out of school at 3:45, costume crew till 5:30, come home, do homework, try and fill out college applications or scholarships, work on my blog. I am constantly thinking of things I need to do, have to do, or want to do. My brain just won't shut up!
Honestly I sometimes wonder how I find time to breathe. As I sat in my room last night overwhelmed with filling out college applications and studying. I thought about what it would be like if we were given one more hour in a day. Just one. 
In today's world, Americans are constantly working. Most might even agree that we are workaholics, constantly striving to do our best and work our way up. I admire that about Americans, but I also can't help but wonder what it would be like if it were different. Instead of measuring success in how much we make or what title we have in a company, what if we all were to all start measuring success in the amount of time we spend doing things we love? Or the time we spend with our loved ones?
Some days I find writing on my blog a chore, but that's only because I'm thinking about everything else I need to do and it blocks my creativity. Once I get an idea I can't wait to write it down and share. I honestly believe that we all need to start taking five to ten minutes out of our busy, stressful life's to do something we love. If we do that, maybe our world would be a little bit better.
So my question to you is: What would you do with that hour? Would you use it to get more work done? Would you get an extra hour of sleep? Or would you use it to do something you love? 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A letter to me

Last night as I was looking through other blogs I came across one that I absolutely fell in love with!
I am always telling my friends and family that people should still write love letters like they did in the olden days. The kind that are sincere and sent through the mail, not a stupid e-mail. Who doesn't love receiving a HANDWRITTEN letter in the mail?! 
Nobody! People hate receiving bills, but getting a letter in a sea of bills can be refreshing and heart warming in my opinion.
The blog is in fact called More Love Letters as I read through the blog I thought it was amazing to see this one girl with one mission: to write old fashioned love letters and send them to complete strangers all around the world who are in need.
"We’re going to tell you that we write and mail love letters, handwritten love letters, to strangers in need all over the world. We’re going to invite you to request a love letter for someone in your life who needs one. And we’re going to insist that you step out of your own shoes of Comfort & join us. You are going to think we are a bit crazy. A tad loopy. But you’ve been looking for a website that leaks love all this time… so we aren’t worried you’ll leave us."

This blog made me think a lot about myself. I'm always telling people that I want to make a difference in the world. I want to be known and leave the world a better place.
I don't need the fame or the money that goes along with it, sure it would be nice, but it wouldn't matter.
If I were to leave this world just making a difference for one person whether it be making them smile or laugh that would be good enough for me.
I am the girl who is constantly writing. Writing in journals writing on scrap pieces of paper, writing on my blog, writing wherever I can. I love sharing my thoughts and opinions even if people disagree I feel as if I'm speaking up for the people who dont have a voice. I feel as if what I am writing about actually has some importance even if it really doesn't.
I never thought I would be able to write a blog, but here I am writing a personal blog and a blog for my school.
One day I hope to work for a fashion magazine like Cosmopolitian or Vogue and maybe that will never happen, but I'm going to shoot for the moon because even if I miss I know I will land among the stars.
Somedays I will sit and wonder if I truly am crazy for having dreams bigger than me but then I remember a quote by William Ward...
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can achieve it." 
 When I was little I got diagnosed with ADHD and anomia which made reading and WRITING so difficult. I would dread any reading assignment and essays. They told my mom I will probably not succeed past a certain reading and writing comprehension level. (I would like to point out I have been on the honor role every year since then.)
As much as I hated reading and writing I set out to make it one of my strengths and prove them wrong. 
Never would I have thought I would want to become a journalist/ writing when I grew up, and maybe I never will be. Maybe I'll go to college and realize I want to become a doctor. I doubt it because I can't stand the sight of blood, but you never know maybe I will go into the medical field.
So I encourage my readers to shoot for the moon and never take no for an answer. I also encourage you to go write a letter to someone whether it be a family member or friend or maybe even a stranger. Write them a letter. It doesn't have to be a love letter. Maybe it will just be a friendly letter telling them to have a good day. Go write your little hearts out a good old fashion hand written letter.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 Simple Things to Remember

Every now and then my mom will leave me notes either in my school books or in my lunch. Most kids would get embarrassed, read the note and then throw it away. I, on the other hand, will read them with a smile on my face and put it in my drawer with all the other notes she has given me over the years.
Today as I opened one of my notebooks a card entitled "10 Simple Things to Remember" fell to the floor. As I picked it up I already knew it was going to change my bad day into a good one.

  1. Love is why we are here
  2. The most important day is today 
  3. If you always do your best, you will not have regrets
  4. In spite of your best efforts, some things are out of your control
  5. Things always look better tomorrow
  6. Sometimes the wrong turn will bring you to exactly the right place
  7. Sometimes when you think the answer is "no" it's "not yet"
  8. True friends share your joys, see the best in you, and support you through challenges
  9. God and your parents will always love you
  10. For all your accomplishments, nothing will bring you more happiness than the love you find

Being a senior in high school I find myself being overworked and overwhelmed! Between filling out college applications, studying government and trying to ace a precal test I find myself sweating the small things in life and  forgetting about the important things.
I find it a little humorous that the things we humans find most "complicated" in life are actually the simplest things in life. Love, being the most complicated, is something we all tend to over think and over complicate.
As I continued to sit in class reading my moms letter, number two on the list managed to pop out at me the most..."the most important day is today." Lately I have found myself thinking more about what I have to do for tomorrow, or the next day, not what I have to do today. I find myself forgetting to just look around at my classmates and soak up my senior year.
I'm not sure many people are reading this blog, but if you are reading this...I challenge you. I challenge you to wake up tomorrow with the mind set that it's your last day on this planet. Say what you need to say, take chances, overcome a fear, and laugh a little harder.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


POPULAR! you're gonna be popular!
I'll teach you the proper poise,
when you talk to boys,
little ways to flirt and flounce, ooh!
i'll show you what shoes to wear,
how to fix your hair!
everthing that really counts to be...popular
Popularity, what does it really even take to be popular?

The other day I was walking through the hallway and over heard one of the "popular" girls at my school talking about how she doesn't like it how the "unpopular" kids are starting to interact with the "popular" kids. As I walked past I couldn't help but laugh at how ignorant she just sounded. Where does she get the idea that she's so much better than me or my friends? I would have thought that with being a senior in high school the whole popularity food chain wouldn't matter anymore, but I guess I was wrong.

I have never been a part of the popular crowd but I have always had my small group of friends I can always count on and to me thats all I need and all that matters.

I think that popularity, just like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. The girl who made the statement may be considered popular in high school, but ten years from now how popular will she really be? 

My mom has always been one to tell me high school never ends. Sure, you don't have endless amounts of homework and a pimply face but there are still always going to be mean girls and something your wanting to change about yourself. Which brings me to the point of EVERYONE wants to change something about themselves. I strongly believe that the kids who are considered "popular" have the most insecurities and it's a shame they have to bring people down just so they can build themselves up.

I am guilty of being mean to people and have probably acted how the "popular" kids do, but I also know I have my group of friends and family to bring me back down to earth.

Most kids who are considered popular in high school are known for being really good athletes or for doing stupid stuff of the weekends. But what most teens don't realize is once they get out in the real world; who could take the most shots or who got with the most guys or girls won't matter. The truth is the kids who were studying on the weekends will be the popular ones.  They will be the ones the "popular" kids in high school are working for. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Must Have's of fall

Football games, oversized boys sweatshirts, bonfires, and colorful leaves are some of my favorite things about fall.  But my absolute favorite? The fashion of course! As much as I hate putting away my bathing suits and short shorts I absolutely love fall clothes. The colors and styles can complement any one's body types:

1. Burgundy nails and lips
2. Pleated skirts
3. Satchel Bags
4. Oversized sweatshirts
5. Fitted Blazors
6. Peter Pan collars
7. Riding boots
8. Loafers/smoking slippers
9. Printed scarves
10. Trench coats

An outfit I put together on Polyvore

What are some of your favorite fall trends?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is beauty?

They say beauty lies in the eye of the beholder but how are young girls suppose to know that when the media is telling them your only beautiful if you look a certain way or weigh a certain amount. It's sad to know that girls at the age of 13 are already on diets wanting to be thinner.
  • In one study, three out of four women stated that they were overweight although only one out of four actually were.
I think it's ironic how  the Victoria's Secret "love your body campaign" shows women who are fit and thin. Who wouldn't love their body if it looked like that? But the reality of it is not everyone has a personal trainer, specialized diets, make up artists or photoshop like the Victoria Secret models.

The expectations of how a woman should look in today's society is sickening. Girls start having eating disorders at an earlier age and something needs to change.
In the United States, as many as 10 million females and 1 million males are fighting a life and death battle with an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Approximately 25 million more are struggling with binge eating disorder (Crowther et al., 1992; Fairburn et al., 1993; Gordon, 1990; Hoek, 1995; Shisslak et al., 1995). 
There have been many celebrity's who are speaking out against not being like the Victoria Secret models such as Demi Lovato who are speaking out against "the pressure to be perfect." Lovato suffered from eating disorders and knows the pressures of being perfect in the eyes of the media.
Campaigns like the Dove Real Beauty showcases your average woman you would see on a day-to-day basis. Those who aren't afraid to indulge themselve with a chocolate candy bar after a hard day's work!

I'm not saying that the VS campaign is bad or wrong, but I am saying that societys view on what "beauty" is needs to change. I also know that changing society's view isn't going to happen over night so as women we need to change our attitude on our own body image. As women we need to be realistic, body's come in all shapes and sizes. We need to appreciate what we have, I have curves and as much as I hate them if  I ever want to be comfortable in my own skin I have to embrace them.

I end this post with one of my favorite quotes
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Unknown

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." Being a senior in high school, the future is all anyone can think about anymore and it becomes harder and harder to take one day at a time.  When we are younger we get asked the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Most of us would say a fire fighter, ballarina, or doctor; but as we grow older and our interests change our answer becomes "I don't know." When I think about the future, I think a lot about who I want to be along with who I want to become. 

Senior year. The year to make evereyday, every hour, every minute, every second count.This year--along with filling out college applications, applying for scholarships, keeping up with two blogs, voluteer work, and school work--I have to help my sister plan a wedding! It seems overwhelming, and it is! To me that's what scares me the most: the fact that I get so caught up in planning for the things in the future that I forget everything that's going on now. I find myself coming home some nights and asking myself where has the day gone? The fact that we become so focused on the future that we lose track of the present and before we know it, it's the past.

When we were younger it was our parents jobs to help give us what we needed in order to grow. Whether it be our bodys or minds, our parents were always the ones pouring our glass of milk or paying a tutor. I think what makes the future so scary is the fact that it's our job to make sure we do everything we can to grow. It's finally our turn as young adults to write our own story.
Its our turn to decide what path we take next. Whether it be law school, medical school, or maybe even beauty school, the choice is ours.This year it is my goal to focus on one day at a time and let the future remain the future...unknown.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What time is it?

In today's world we are constantly looking at our phones. We are constantly relying on them for everything: when our appointments are, our friends' and family's phone numbers, along with email addresses. We even rely on our phones to tell us what time it is.
Time. Time is constantly running out and its hard to keep track of everything that is going on in ones life.  But why not keep track of time in style?  Today it is very strange to see a teenager wearing a watch, but it's something that is making a come back.

Watches come in so many different shapes and sizes that they not only give you a sense of style but also maturity. Wearing a watch in my opinion shows maturity in the fact  that you aren't always relying on your phone for something as simple as the time. You would be surprised at how many people, teenagers in particular, forget how to read the time on a watch or even a clock.
Maybe you'll wear a white sports watch to tennis practice or a blingy gold watch for a girls night out. The choices are endless. You can make people think your wearing a Rolex when in reality your wearing a similar style that you got from Forever 21 for twenty dollars.

Celebrity's such as The Kardashion girls have been spotted wear watches. Kendall even instagramed a picture of the watch her parents got her for her birthday.
So next time you check what time it is make sure it's in style!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

White, green or blue polo?

It's that time of year teachers, new notebooks,pencils, and clothes!  School is back in session, but how does one buy new clothes when they have to wear a uniform?  That is a question I have been asking myself since I was in kindergarten. Yes, having to wear a uniform has its pros but it also has its cons when you are a fashionista.
I remember when I was little I would always see kids shopping for new school clothes, and I was stuck picking out whether I wanted to wear a white, green or blue polo.  But as I grew older I realized I could still make my uniform unique and my own, simply by accessorizing!
The rules were strick but I always managed to find a loop hole.
No nail polish? Please. I wore a baby pink or natural color that the teachers didn't notice I was wearing any.  No makeup? Simple just go natural.  I would wear fun tennis shoes anything from Coach to simple Converse.  I would wear braclets, necklaces, and rings. Sure I got caught a couple of times but by the time I started high school I had so many tricks up my sleeve;I considered middle school practice.
Even though I may not be able to express myself as much as I like, wearing a uniform does have its benefits. I don't have to plan out my outfit every night and I don't have to worry about girls picking on me for what I'm wearing.
So to all the girls, and guys, who have to wear a uniform make sure this year you express yourself as much as you can and take risks when accessorizing with your uniform

Monday, August 6, 2012


     Ever since I was little I remember going and watching my cousin, Eric, in all his school plays.  And it was Eric who made me realie one of my passions.  Acting.  I have always looked up to my cousin and always know I can count on him to give me great advice.  So when he told my family he was moving to New York to try and make his dreams come true, I was thrilled!  I knew he could make it, he wore his heart on his sleeve and was determined. Of course, he would get discouraged at times, but in the end he always keeps his head up.
     I too get discouraged but unlike my cousin I sometimes find it hard to keep my head up.  Being in high school it seems easier to let people tell you are nothing when in reality you ARE something!High school is tough.  Girls are mean.  Boys are jerks.  But something my mom has always pointed out to me is that high school never ends.  As much as we all would like to believe it does.  It doesn't.  We think once we are out in the real world there won't be any more mean girls or cocky jocks.  But the truth is...the girls get ever more catty and the guys become ever moe stuck up. 
     This  blog may be a total joke, but I hope that the people who are reading this post at this moment get at least one thing out of it which is never let any one tell you, you aren't good enough or that you are crazy for having BIG dreams.
     Starting my last year of high school this week has made me start to think A LOT about my future.  What I want to be?  Where I want to go? Where do I see myself in the next 10 years?... The questions are never ending.  But one thing I know for sure is that I will never give up on my dreams as crazy as they may seem.  Whether it be working for a fashion magazine or having a show of my own. I'm never going to give up and neither should you!

*Please leave comments*

Friday, August 3, 2012

Going for Gold

It's no surprise with the Olympics going on that showing ones patriotic pride, is a must!  For the past couple months I have have noticed a lot of girls, including myself, wearing red, white, and blue.
Why put away the stars and stripes after just one day out of the year?  Why not show our pride year round?
After the 9/11 attacks it seemed as if Americans found sight of what they had lost. Pride.  Webster defines pride as, delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or relationship.  When watching the 2012 Olympics there is no greater feeling of pride than seeing your country win the gold.
So why shouldn't we show our team how proud of them we are by wearing our stars and stripes 365 days a year.
Even though the summer is coming to a close and our flag shorts and tank tops will be put away.  There are still ways to wear our stars and striped.  One can always have fun patriotic nails and shoes. So next time your thinking of putting your stars away, keep them out and go for gold! 
Comment on how you plan on wearing your red, white and blue year around along with any other thought and opinions on the Olympics!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nail Mania

From fun stickers to edgy crackle, girls everywhere are finding new ways to show their style through their nails.  Whether it be on pinterest or twitter girls are finding ways to create and share their creations.
But when did this become such a big trend?  It seems as if almost every celebrity has their own line of nail polish now, even Justin Beiber!  Maybe it all got startednwhen Rihanna caught our attention with her bright neon nails, or maybe it was when Adele showed up at the Grammys with her Christian Louboutin inspired nails.  But in my honest opinion I think a nice manicure has always been one of the best accessories.
Going to a private school my whole life it has always been hard to show individuality.  With only being able to wear a white, blue or green polo with khaki pants there aren't many ways a girl can show her creative side.  Having my nails always painted was one of the ways I always tried to show some creativity.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is love?

Love a four letter word that can have so many different meanings.
When I was little I would have told you love was when a person said I love you, but I wouldn't know why the person was saying I love you. As I've grown older I've realized love isn't that easy.
Through the years everyone's definition or meaning of love changes.  When your in middle school one might consider holding hands and kissing, love.  In high school most people might think of sex when they think of love.  BUT WHAT IS LOVE?
At this point in my life I have realized true love and true friendships are hard to come by.  Sure love is letting people know you care, but I think most importantly love is about facing your fears.
Letting someone in can be hard, especially when you have seen so many people close to you get hurt.  But opening yourself up to someone even though there is that chance you could get hurt.  That alone is love, in my opinion.
So what is the true definition of love?  The answer being, there is none!  There are so many types of love that it can't just have one definition.
"Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Monday, July 30, 2012

Taking Chances

When it comes to taking chances I'm usually the last to step in line.  Whether it's taking a chance on a guy or taking a chance on the latest fashion trend, I'm always one to second guess myself. Chances involve risks and I'm not one willing to risk many things. But being a senior in high school I have finally realized I need to start taking chances. Otherwise how will I know what could have been? 
Lucille Ball once said, "I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done."
Ball was once among the best fashion icons and in my opinion, still is.  Most red heads don't tend to usually wear fire-engine red lip stick, but she did! She took a chance and it worked.  So like Ball I have started to take chances when it comes to what I'm wearing. Whether it be a cheetah skirt with bright, bold pumps out with my girls or mixing an old worn-out t-shirt with a fancy skirt to go on a date with my boyfriend. I'm taking chances, even if I will regret it. But even if I regret wearing bold pumps with a cheetah skirt I have noticed that once I start taking chances, people notice me.  Whether it be good or bad, they are still taking notice of me, and who doesn't love to be noticed?!
So I suggest to those of you who are reading this blog next time you start to second guess yourself, whatever it may be, TAKE A CHANCE and see what can be.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"A girl's best accessory is her girlfriends besides her red lipstick, of course!"