Friday, September 7, 2012

Friendship Friday

"The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't, but in the end they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into, and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself. " - Sex and the City
After my week this week, I have no idea where I would be without my best friends.
Besides family, our friends are the ones who teach us some of the most valuable lessons in life. They challenge our views, the help us realize our full potential, but most of all they help us to believe in our selves. Where would any of us be without out best friends?

After a long, stressful week I own a big thank you to all my friends. But most importantly the three girls who always manage to cheer me up, deal with my bitchy moods, comfort me when I get so overwhelmed I want to cry. With all of that they still manage to want to be friends with me. Together we make up the real women of Sex and the City. Each of our personalities make our friendship exciting. There is never a time when we aren't laughing or having fun. Only the thing is we aren't just best friends, we have grown to become sisters. High school is tough as I have said multiple times. I've lost friends and I've gained friends.

Coming in freshman year I had my one best friend, Jorden, who has legit been with me since day one. Jorden is still the one who knows me better than anyone else in the world, but of course we have grown apart. At first it was hard going from  hanging out with her every day to hanging out with her once every month. It was hard for me to accept at first that we both were starting to make new friends but i finally realized it didn't matter. At the end of any day I know I can go to her for anything.

As high school went on and just as life goes on, people come into our lives and shape us into the people we are today. I am so blessed and lucky to have the friends I do. Each and everyone of them challenge me to be my best and they have helped me discover something new about myself each day.

My freshman year I also met my best friend Kim. I can't even say Kim is my best friend because she has honestly become my little sister. We fight like sisters, we are constantly at each others house, we are inseparable. Next year going to college is going to be so hard not being able to see her everyday. Kim honestly is the one who knows me better than I know myself.I don't know of Kim knows it or not, but she is one of the best things that has ever come into my life. There were days when I didn't know how much more I could take but she has always reminded me I have a purpose in life.

It wasn't until my junior year that my best friend Dani and I became close. We had mutual friends but it wasn't until journalism class that we realized we were each others better half. I don't really consider Dani my best friend I consider her more like my mom, big sister, and friend all mixed into one. Dani and I will literally fight like sisters, we argue and then five minutes later it's as if nothing happened. Dani is the one who is constantly acting like a mom for me. If it weren't for her I honestly think I would have lost my mind by now.

Now junior year, I also became close with my friend Ellery. I knew Ellery since freshman year but since we are in different level classes, I never really got to know her. It wasn't until Kim and Dani really introduced me to her that I realized the missing piece of my puzzle was complete. Ellery has a way of making anyone laugh at anything. She has such a such a tender heart and are so generous. Ellery was the one who finally made me realize it is okay to be myself.

So here's to my girls, I don't know where I would be without you!

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