Monday, October 8, 2012

Blonde to Brunette

          For 18 years I was always the blonde.  So when senior year finally rolled around I decided it was time to take a chance and make a small change to my appearance.  I decided it was time to see if blondes really do have more fun.
          Sitting in the salon chair I was a little skeptical, but my nerves eased as I reminded myself that I could always go back to blonde. As I sat there letting the dye seep in I couldn’t help but think, “when did I stop taking risks?”
         When I was little I was always taking chances, my parents were constantly telling me, “don’t jump off the jungle-gym” or “don’t touch that!”  Why did I stop taking those risks?
         The answer was simple; I stopped taking risks because just like everyone else, I became more concerned about what others thought of me than what I actually thought of myself.  I wasn’t sure how people were going to respond to my hair, but I have only gotten compliments; some light-haired girls even said they might dye their hair darker too.  Who knows, there could be those girls who hate it and are talking behind my back. But then again, who cares? 
        My mom has always told me, “There is always going to be someone smarter than you, skinnier than you, richer than you, etcetera. Not everyone in your lifetime is going to like you”. I believe that concept is hard for any of us to accept because we just want to be liked and accepted.  But how are any of us going to be liked or accepted if we can’t like or accept who we are as a person?
         I have been called a dumb blonde, and of course I do have my blonde moments, but I still recall when my sister, who is a brunette, asked my dad if all banks were the same. The point being we all have “blonde” moments.  Hair color shouldn’t define who we are.  It’s hair color! Our hair color isn’t what determines our GPA or IQ level, our knowledge determines that. Our hair color doesn’t determine if we are fun or not, our personality determines that. And hair color does NOT determine if we are fake or real, our character determines that.
       So do blondes really have more fun? In my opinion, no, they don’t. I have been having just as much fun a brunette as I did all my years as a blonde.  Hair color is hair color. It doesn’t define who I am nor does it change who I am.

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