Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 Simple Things to Remember

Every now and then my mom will leave me notes either in my school books or in my lunch. Most kids would get embarrassed, read the note and then throw it away. I, on the other hand, will read them with a smile on my face and put it in my drawer with all the other notes she has given me over the years.
Today as I opened one of my notebooks a card entitled "10 Simple Things to Remember" fell to the floor. As I picked it up I already knew it was going to change my bad day into a good one.

  1. Love is why we are here
  2. The most important day is today 
  3. If you always do your best, you will not have regrets
  4. In spite of your best efforts, some things are out of your control
  5. Things always look better tomorrow
  6. Sometimes the wrong turn will bring you to exactly the right place
  7. Sometimes when you think the answer is "no" it's "not yet"
  8. True friends share your joys, see the best in you, and support you through challenges
  9. God and your parents will always love you
  10. For all your accomplishments, nothing will bring you more happiness than the love you find

Being a senior in high school I find myself being overworked and overwhelmed! Between filling out college applications, studying government and trying to ace a precal test I find myself sweating the small things in life and  forgetting about the important things.
I find it a little humorous that the things we humans find most "complicated" in life are actually the simplest things in life. Love, being the most complicated, is something we all tend to over think and over complicate.
As I continued to sit in class reading my moms letter, number two on the list managed to pop out at me the most..."the most important day is today." Lately I have found myself thinking more about what I have to do for tomorrow, or the next day, not what I have to do today. I find myself forgetting to just look around at my classmates and soak up my senior year.
I'm not sure many people are reading this blog, but if you are reading this...I challenge you. I challenge you to wake up tomorrow with the mind set that it's your last day on this planet. Say what you need to say, take chances, overcome a fear, and laugh a little harder.

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