Friday, September 21, 2012

To Bailey,

"There's a big world put there. Bigger than prom, bigger than high school, and it won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest nerd. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it." -unknown
 As I sat at my computer at one a.m. this morning working on the school blog I have been trying to set up for my school this year  I couldn't help but sit and reflect.  I tried to remember the last time I was truly happy with myself like I was right then.  I sat smiling to myself at the realization that I am meant to be a writer; maybe I will never be a published writer or get my name printed in a magazine. 

Who knows, maybe I will be a stay at home mom and just write my own personal blog all my life,but realized I need to stop thinking like that. I need to start believing my name WILL get printed and that one day my dream of writing for a fashion magazine will come true.   And maybe one day when the people I was never good enough for in high school will realize I was more than good enough.  If I were to ever be famous I want to be quoted that I was never the girl who got the quarterback, I never got the lead in a school play, and I was never editor-in-chief on the newspaper staff. I may never have been good enough for those people, but I was was always good enough for me. 

I like to think I have always been confident, determined, and a dreamer. Sure there are many times when I doubt myself. Usually I doubt my abilities.Throughout the week I couldn't help but think what if tomorrow was my last day.  People will remember I was  a high school girl who started a blog in hopes that colleges would just see she has a passion for journalism. I realized I am so lucky to have found my passion at an early age, but I also know that as life goes on I will find new passions. I firmly believe that we all need to start finding what makes us happy and do a little bit of it everyday because who knows when our last days will be. 

Early this week one of my fellow classmates and friends, Bailey, lost his mom. Throughout the week I couldn't help but think, "what if tomorrow was my last day?"  Would I be happy with how I left the world? Would I be satisfied with my relationships with my family and friends?  

It's not fair that our loved ones go out of our lives at such an early age. But my friend is so strong and just like me I know he has found his passion early in life, which is acting. And let me tell you he is SO talented and there is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't see his name in lights one day. He is truly one of the nicest guys I have ever encountered in my life and I'm not sure if he knows it, but he honestly has probably had one of the greatest impacts in my life up until this point in my life. He  always sees the bright side of everything and sees the good in everyone and I know for a fact that his mom is going to be watching over him everyday with the biggest smile on her face. I never met Bailey's mom personally, but if I could have I would have made sure to thank her for giving the Cathedral High School Class of 2013 one of its greatest shinning stars.

My challenge to readers today is to try and find that one thing that makes you happy, don't be afraid to show the world your true self, and most importantly make sure you tell all your friends and family how much you love them today and everyday.

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