Monday, August 20, 2012

The Unknown

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." Being a senior in high school, the future is all anyone can think about anymore and it becomes harder and harder to take one day at a time.  When we are younger we get asked the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Most of us would say a fire fighter, ballarina, or doctor; but as we grow older and our interests change our answer becomes "I don't know." When I think about the future, I think a lot about who I want to be along with who I want to become. 

Senior year. The year to make evereyday, every hour, every minute, every second count.This year--along with filling out college applications, applying for scholarships, keeping up with two blogs, voluteer work, and school work--I have to help my sister plan a wedding! It seems overwhelming, and it is! To me that's what scares me the most: the fact that I get so caught up in planning for the things in the future that I forget everything that's going on now. I find myself coming home some nights and asking myself where has the day gone? The fact that we become so focused on the future that we lose track of the present and before we know it, it's the past.

When we were younger it was our parents jobs to help give us what we needed in order to grow. Whether it be our bodys or minds, our parents were always the ones pouring our glass of milk or paying a tutor. I think what makes the future so scary is the fact that it's our job to make sure we do everything we can to grow. It's finally our turn as young adults to write our own story.
Its our turn to decide what path we take next. Whether it be law school, medical school, or maybe even beauty school, the choice is ours.This year it is my goal to focus on one day at a time and let the future remain the future...unknown.

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