Monday, September 24, 2012

WANTED: Noah Calhoun...

This weekend as I sat watching The Notebook, I couldn't help but wonder, "do guys like Noah from the Notebook still exist?" The kind of guy who is so proud of his country and would go overseas and write his lover every chance he got. A guy to dance with his girl in the middle of the road with no music.
I have never been one to care for the fairy tales with the princess and Prince Charming. I was more into just the real life love stories.
One of my favorite love stories my mom ever told me was how my grandpa got my grandma's number. She worked at a drive through, the kind where people went to the car on roller blades. My grandpa asked her for her number and her response was "it's in the phonebook." Not only did guys have to work up enough courage to ask a girl out back then, but they also had to work to get something as simple as a phone number. I'm not trying to make it seem that guys don't have a heart, but what I never have figured out is when and how guys lost those traits. In today's world we can creep on a person and get information about them through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Honestly it's quite creepy. And it seems each generation is getting worse and worse when it comes to communicating with one another face to face. I even find myself struggling to keep a conversation going with a guy in person. I think we all become a little more hesitant when we are talking face-to-face  with one another.  We don't have time to think of how to respond, like we would in a text. We get nervous when talking to people one-on-one and find ourselves stuttering for the right words, but when we text we have time to back space the unneccessary words.
I have so much respect for the men back then when my grandparents were young. They actually had to know how to keep a conversation going with a girl face to face along with keeping her on her toes. Guys now just shoot a girl a text if they want to talk to her, but they want the girl to text them first. It's like guys and girls switched roles. I find myself doing more work than the guy every time I'm in a relationship. I'm not saying the guys I have gone out with were jerks, I'm just saying I can honestly say I have never been on a date where a boy picks me up, takes me out, and then walks me to the door.
I blame society and the media for why guys don't try as hard today. And I'm not trying to say all guys don't work hard, but I still have yet to find one. If there are any guys reading this blog right now thinking I'm crazy and way out of line, maybe I am. But I am telling you that I'm not wrong when I say any girl would love you to dance with her (there doesn't have to be any music), bring her flowers just because, challenge her views, and fight with her just to let her know he cares.
I also believe it's not just guys who have lost some traits from the olden days. I strongly believe girls have lost a lot of respect for themselves over the generations. My grandma knew how to play hard to get; not enough girls today know how to do that. We want to feel so wanted that we are willing to do almost anything to get a guys attention. So I'm with the guys when they want more of a challenge, we aren't giving that to them. Instead of letting guys undress us with their eyes, we wear skimpy outfits that does the job for them. We believe their cute texts, instead of paying attention to their actions and words they tell us in person.
So guys, treat a woman just like that: a woman. And girls, make them want to treat you that way.

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