Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's the magic word?

When we are younger our parents were always asking us to use the "magic words"when it came to being polite. "Remember to say please and thank you."  It became something we got sick of hearing, but it became good habits.  So when did we lose those habits?
This morning as I was struggling to open a door with my books in my hands and coffee; I found it quite strange how the freshman boy on the inside of the door just watched me as I struggled to pry the door open without everything falling out of my hands. He didn't even bother to try and help me! I was in awe! What has happened to our generation of gentleman?
Over the weekend as I was looking at all the pictures on Facebook and Instagram of everyone's crazy weekends I couldn't help but notice all the pictures of girls on top of guys.
Starting to think about college I keep thinking about how once something is posted online it NEVER goes away. A girl in my grade had some pretty sketchy pictures and once she was sober enough she deleted them but what she didn't realize is that people had already taken screen shots and sent them to friends. The one picture sent to one person has now become an endless chain of people seen this picture she had deleted.
 It's a shame that girls honestly think that guys are looking for that kind of girl.  Sure you get their attention for that short amount of time, but when it comes to a long term relationship I strongly doubt that is the kind of girl/ woman any guy is looking for.
 When did the classic little black dress become the classic skimpy black dress?
I wish girls my age realized guys have become jerks because we have lowered our standards as not only teenage girls, but as women too. We are the ones doing all the work. We need to start making them work. Taking us out to a nice dinner and a movie.
It's even more frustrating when there are those keys girls, the girls who are flawless, the ones who every guy drools over. The girls who know they are gorgeous and try and deny it.
When she finally gives your one guy friend, the one who opens doors without you even asking, the chance and he falls head over heels for her and she just drags him along for the ride.
I'm not saying guys are not guilty of this, because they are guilty!
I believe that as a generation we all need to clean up our acts. Guys need to start opening the door. Girls need to stop lowering their standards to get a guys attention for one night.
If any guys are reading this, today go out of your way to open one door, just one, for a girl maybe not even for a girl just someone! And girls, seriously I'm not saying I don't like to feel sexy, but their is a very thin line between sexy and skanky; make sure you know the difference.

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