Sunday, January 6, 2013

To my senior class

To the Cathedral Class of 2013,

Isn't it crazy how we can look back to freshman year and realize how much everything has changed? The amount of people that have left our lives, entered and stayed. The memories you won't forget and the moments you wish you could.  It's crazy how all of this happened in just four short years.

Last night as I was laying in bed  I thought about how Monday will be our first day of our last semester. I sat in awe wondering when did I suddenly grow up?  I went to bed a freshman and woke up a senior. I kept thinking back to the first day of high school. I was so nervous, and wasn't really sure what to expect, but I quickly realized I wasn't the only one.  I remember telling myself  I was going to try and become friends with everyone. However, I realized that wasn't going to happen, at least not freshman year. Why? Because we all were so insecure, and made up some stereotype for one another. These stereotypes then lead us to believe that we could never be friends with him or her, simply because they have one or two different interests than our group of friends.  None of us can deny that we haven't been guilty of stereotyping a person without really getting to know that person as an individual.

It doesn't matter what stereotype we have labeled each other in the past. What matters most now is that we all realize we are alike in one way or another. We all have experienced some type of form of heart ache, betrayal and love. There were times when we all felt as if high school would never end, but are now realizing our time is running out. 

I would consider our grades the lucky class of Cathedral because somehow, someway we all were able to see past the stereotypes, and become friends with one another. Still, as each and everyone of us walks across the stage this spring one word is most likely going to come across our mind for that person: nice, jock, weird, slut, etc. But I also think it's safe to say we will each be wondering where that person will end up in the next 10 years. Will the pot heads still be smoking weed? Will the "skanks" still be sleeping around?

I keep wondering will I ever become successful in the big city. Will I ever land my dream job of working for Cosmo? Maybe I will never be a famous blogger or work for my dream magazine, but right now that doesn't matter. What matters is right now. 

Right now, hopefully my senior class is reading this blog post and having the same thoughts I am. Which is time is precious, and we aren't the keepers of it. Our time is running out and we need to make sure to take it all in. Soak up all the little things: your best friend's laugh, the annoying teachers, the inside jokes, the orange leaf dates, and all the heart to hearts. Take them all in and cherish them.

the girls whose lips never lie ;) Maddie Scott

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