Thursday, February 14, 2013

First loves and happily ever afters...

Being single on Valentine's day isn't always the best feeling in the world, especially for a girl. The media has a good way of brain washing us into thinking you have to have a valentine in order to buy valentines flowers and chocolates, but shouldn't everyday be like that? Shouldn't we be showing our husband,wife,boyfriend,or girlfriend we love them in special ways every chance we get?

As I got to thinking last night I realized that middle school tries to prepare us for all sorts of peer pressures we will face in high school. Drugs, alcohol and sex.  But the one peer pressure they don't really emphasize is the pressure to find your high school sweetheart.

I have had my fair share of relationships and in each one I have learned something new. I have not only learned things about relationships, but I've learned more things about myself.
At an early age, young girls are brain washed into thinking there is such a thing as a "perfect" man, Prince Charming. Middle school girls watch movies about the girl getting to date the quarterback, and all of those other cliche things that come with "love".

For the longest time I was hoping to find my "first love" in high school. There have been multiple nights I have spent wondering when the perfect guy will come into my life. But I finally realized this year I did find my first love. I actually found a couple. My best friends.

Love comes in so many ways. I just never really thought that a first love could involve so many people. My friends are the ones who better me, believe in me, and support me in everything I do. And isn't that what a relationship between a boy and a girl is all about?
This year I have realized not only do first loves come in multiple ways, but there is also more than one form of happily ever after.The typical "happily ever after" is the ending to a fairytale. I'm not saying high school was a fairytale, but there were many moments I felt as if I was living a fairytale.

Of course I get lonely sometimes and wish I could be taken out to a dinner and a movie, but at the end of the day, I realize that the guys at my school just aren't meant for me.
In fairy tales, Price Charming comes along and sweeps the princess off her feet. In my case my friends were sent to me in some of the hardest times in my life and picked me up from the ground.

Seeing all the cute couples in the hallways makes most girls want to throw up or carry on about how guys suck, but for me I think Valentine's day isn't just about having one special someone it's about having multiple special someone's? My challenge to whoever is reading this currently...make sure you let your special someone know how much you care about them everyday, just because.